It was twelve noon when Indonesia Defense Magazine visited the Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum on Jl. Lembong, Bandung. We wanted to trace the journey of the famous Siliwangi Division through the Museum’s collections. “The Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum used to be the home of a Dutch officer. Later, it was taken over by the Japanese to be used as a hiding place. After Indonesia’s independence, the house was used as the headquarters for the Siliwangi Division and has now changed its function to become a museum,” said Major General Kunto Ari Wibowo, who was the Commander of the Military Regional Command (Kodam) III Siliwangi at the time of our interview.
TNI AD dari Kodam III Siliwangi menciptakan mesin minimalis untuk mengolah air laut menjadi air yang layak untuk diminum. Hal ini terungkap saat peneliti kesehatan asing atau luar negeri dan ratusan peserta Healthy Cities Summit (HCS) VI 2024 terpesona dengan inovasi TNI AD ini.
Aksi cepat dilakukan Batalyon Infanteri Raider 300/Bjw Kodam III Siliwangi untuk membantu korban terdampak bencana gempa yang di Kabupaten Cianjur yang terjadi pada tanggal 21 November 2022.