Jakarta, IDM – The Israeli attacks on the Palestinian people have persisted since 1948, when Israel was first given its state, by the British. The root cause of this conflict is largely due to land disputes in which Israel claims God-given rights and authority over Palestinian territories.
Yasan Mutaz Fathi Shalawat (18) and Jana Muhammad (18), along with 20 other Palestinian youths, decided to participate in the undergraduate scholarship program at Indonesian Defense University (Unhan), RI. They were willing to leave their families and homeland behind, in a quest to contribute to their country’s independence, by studying and gaining the knowledge at the university. These young Palestinian students share the dream of fighting for Palestinian independence and sovereignty.
Yasan and Janna recalled how truly happy they were about the scholarship information. It was a “breath of fresh air” amid the ongoing instability and attacks in Palestine. A quote from Nelson Mandela says it all, “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.” They believe that leaving their home, beloved family and friends to pursue education in Indonesia can serve as a change for Palestine.
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To receive this scholarship, the Palestinian students had to go through a number of selection and training procedures. Following that, they had to undergo basic military training in Jericho, Palestine, for a variety of periods for each person. Some had 45 days of training, while others had up to two years. “After the training, we were asked to continue our studies at Unhan (Indonesia), and everyone had their respective majors,” Jana went on to say. Yasan enrolled in the Military Medicine Program, while Jana took the Electrical Power Engineering Program.
The journey to Indonesia was also not easy. Since Palestine lacks an airport, dozens of prospective Unhan cadets had to travel quite a distance. They first had to travel by land to Jordan, followed by a 4-hour flight to Qatar, and they finally arrived in Indonesia on November 8, 2023.
Honoring human rights (HAM) while upholding international brotherhood is one of the principles outlined in the United Nations Charter. Despite its absence of legal authority, the Charter should be followed by countries across the world, to prevent the tragedies historically and currently faced by the Palestinian people.
Upon their arrival in Indonesia, dozens of Palestinian students were faced with learning the Indonesian language for ten months at the Language Education Center of the Ministry of Defense in Pondok Labu, Jakarta, led by Brigadier General TNI Imam Santoso. This language training took place from November 2023 to August 2024.
Both Yasan and Jana agreed that Indonesia is a beautiful country with friendly people. Although they haven’t had the chance to travel around various cities in Indonesia. The diverse educational materials they received at the Language Education Center of the Ministry of Defense have provided them with an understanding of the country’s geographical conditions, natural beauty, cultural richness and traditions. “I personally love Indonesia, and in general, the people are friendly. With the majority of people being Muslims, they love Palestine, making it easier for us to adapt to the culture here,” said Jana.
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The Language Education Center of the Ministry of Defense (Pusdiklat Bahasa Badiklat Kemhan RI) provided them with a variety of facilities and programs that helped make it easier to participate in activities and adapt to their Indonesian environment. Other than studying, these students frequently participate in sports activities and mentoring sessions.
The long study term and distance between them and their homeland cause the students to miss their families and loved ones in Palestine. To compensate for the longing for home, Yasan took many items from Palestine, such as a tea kettle, a shawl, and papers with prayers written by his mother.
Yasan, Jena, and the 20 other prospective cadets at the Indonesian Defense University (Unhan RI) have decided to make the most of this scholarship opportunity and serve the Palestinian people. “I want Palestine to be a popular tourist destination with a strong economy and simple interprovincial travel. And I want people to come here (to Palestine) and witness the beautiful scenery,” Yasan concluded. (Text & Photos: IDM/Faisal Ramadhan)